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It’s time for Plaid to make the case for independence

16 Jun 2017 0 minute read

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7 years ago

I believe the Yes Wales AGM is in Aberystwyth this weekend.

John Young
John Young
7 years ago

You’re right. It is a cliche that Wales would struggle financially. It is also a lie. Plaid should be shouting this from the rooftops at every opportunity. I don’t understand their hesitancy. The numbers are there, just use them.

Bryn Daf
7 years ago

Land + Power = Wealth – who do you want having the power and land? Wales or London?

(Plaid Cymru must get this point across)

…….. With good technology, almost anywhere on planet Earth can be comfortably profitable.

Gwynfor Thomas
Gwynfor Thomas
7 years ago

Very true they seem to be frightened of the word independence

Bryn Daf
7 years ago

Under Tory rule – independence support…soft or hard is at 36%…………Plaid Cymru got 10% in the last election


Gwylon Phillips
Gwylon Phillips
7 years ago

Plaid has to take Independence to hand. The Party is treading water and gradually sinking. Be brave go for it. Don’t let the doubters lead you astray. YMLAEN dros GYMRU.

Jac o' the North
7 years ago

The general thrust of the article is to be commended, but offering the option of the status quo or independence won’t work, the groundwork must be done first, the groundwork Plaid has ignored for decades. To prepare our people for independence we need to create a mindset that thinks, ‘Wales is badly governed, we are being cheated, lied to, independence is the best option’. To achieve that we must stoke up resentment, whether it’s about water extraction, low wages, holiday homes, a tourism industry that gives little to local people, lack of infrastructure, a media that tells lies, social housing… Read more »

Sian Ifan
Sian Ifan
7 years ago

I agree 100% with every word of this article and all the comments in response but, we also have to get seriously down to the job of destroying, once and for all the colonial celebralism mentality that’s prevailing in our nation causing our people to believe that we are part of the great u.k. and couldn’t possibly stand on our own two feet. Towards doing this, we have to rid ourselves of the symbolisms enforced on us such as the Tudor rag and reenstate our own such as the true flag of Independence the Four Lions rampant of Owain Glyndŵr.… Read more »

Dafydd ap Gwilym
7 years ago
Reply to  Sian Ifan

How dare you call our flag a rag! You want everyone to get behind the banner of one of our greatest heros, which no one can deny, but you disrespect everyone with calling our flag a rag! You aren’t going for unity, you are just promoting your own back yard and less than a fraction of our 12,000 year old history. The banner you shove in our face (which I have and proudly fly) is anglo-norman armoury, the colours, language, animal, postion, quartered is ALL ANGLO-NORMAN, HELLO! Owain was a great man and leader, but the history you preach (on… Read more »

7 years ago

Yeah, agree with you there. The Welsh Flag (i.e. the Welsh Flag), is a wonderful flag in that it is one of the few flags which came about (late nineteenth century/early twentieth) as being the undisputed national flag of a country through the common usage of the populace. It also looks bloody marvellous. That 1958 date is an irrelevance – the British state was trying to STOP us from using the flag in any official capacity, making sure that other banners were flown from official buildings etc. until it became obvious they had lost, and they capitulated – ungracefully. Claiming… Read more »


[…] Chatting about the Nation.Cymru article suggesting Plaid needs to define themselves in relation to indy. It’s like they are in the […]

7 years ago

Completely agree with the contents and comments so far. There are questions for Plaid Cymru that need be answered urgently. Who has the vision and leadership to lead us to independence? Is the current leader up to the job? (personally the answer would be no), Do Plaid Cymru have the economic brains to develop this long awaited economic plan? (Eurfyl ap Gwilym is one but who else?) What will Plaid’s position be when we are faced with the Brexit bill? When you look at the 1974 political broadcast (You tube) starring Dafydd Wigley and Gwynfor Evans you can see how… Read more »

sian caiach
sian caiach
7 years ago

I agree. My experience here in Carmarthenshire is that welsh culture beats welsh economics and welsh independence in Plaid every time. At least our local county council leader Emyn Dole is honest enough to admit that he does not believe that he will live to see Independence and will concentrate on expanding places in Welsh Language Schools, presumably rather than the more demanding issues of Nationalism. Doing the little things that the state allows and politely offering the begging bowl to the UK for the crumbs is eroding confidence and hope even in Plaid Leaders. Welsh devolution was set up… Read more »

Dafydd ap Gwilym
7 years ago

I agree with the content too, with one or to reservations and concerns. However, we need Independence and we need it asap so, I will put those rescons aside for now.

There is a growing movement for Independence and Plaid could be left high and dry, hopefully not.

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