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Plaid Cymru is your party – it’s here for all of Wales

20 Oct 2017 0 minute read

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kim erswell
kim erswell
7 years ago

That’s guite inspiring.

John Sweeney
John Sweeney
7 years ago

Yet again no mention of independence Why not? If not Independence Party, Just Labour lite Shameful

7 years ago
Reply to  John Sweeney

I think they’re leaving it to Yes.Cymru… which is a good idea as it keeps their politics away from the movement. Problem is it does require Plaid make some kind of progress… which it is not. But last thing anyone wants is Plaid’s failures to blow back onto Yes.Cymru and the Independence movement. Maybe the only thing they’re doing right. Though maybe I’ve putting to much faith in Plaid having a real plan there.

Rhun ap Iorwerth
Rhun ap Iorwerth
7 years ago

Hi. I don’t usually comment on comments on my comments, as it were, but here goes. By way of background… I’m a Yes Cymru member; I gave up what was a decent career to serve my community and country and to promote Welsh nationhood; I believe Wales should be a self-governing/sovereign/independent/mature/free/normal country… any of these descriptions is OK by me, but the label isn’t important – it’s what Wales can be, and the control we have over our own destiny that’s important to me. We’re on the same side, here, surely? I really, really don’t mind if you didn’t like… Read more »

6 years ago

Thankyou for taking the time to respond. I’m not advocating Independence supporters turn fire on Plaid. The issue is that as Plaid is currently the only Nationalist party any policies it has – such as its EU stance which by slim majority is against the Welsh public could reflect back on Yes.Cymru. Last thing anyone wants is there to be all these left wing socialist welsh speaking pro-EU tags attached too it. I’d say the same to many nationalist movement. Arms length from politics… let it do its thing until the time is right. As for your question whether we… Read more »

7 years ago

“It was difficult to see Wales following British patterns – or to be more correct – English patterns of voting.” with over 20% of the Cymru population being English and growing what do you expect!

6 years ago
Reply to  M

I was brought up in England (in Essex). Over the last forty years I saw how the English tories ran down local communities, losing local jobs and productive businesses until each town became a residential ghetto where people from outside moved into and travelled over 100 miles daily for work! Another example in England is the Isle of Wight: previously a politically liberal place where again local jobs were lost, retirees were moved in from outside outnumbering locals, changing the political and social landscape to Tory! I moved to Wales because there is prospect that the country of Wales is,… Read more »

Eos Pengwern
Eos Pengwern
7 years ago

I wish I could believe this – in fact, the stuff about Wales itself, as a country, I strongly believe – but as for Plaid Cymru its credibility was totally shot from the moment that it started collaborating with Labour in 2007. Labour has been the ruination of Wales since it first started gaining traction in the early 20th century, and no party that allies itself with it can possibly claim to have Wales’ interests at heart. It’s time for a new nationalist party that’s untainted by that devil’s bargain, and my hope is that something comes out of either… Read more »

Dafydd Thomas
Dafydd Thomas
6 years ago

Rhun, you say that Betsi Cadwaladr is finding it impossible year after year to stay in budget. Well what do you expect when the housing policy is to build more and more houses specifically for elderly people from England, who need lots of health care. At the risk of overstating the obvious housing policy needs to have regard for services, and anyway we know from studies that these retirees come here with no regard for funding their health requirements. They also need social care and their state pensions are allocated to Welsh expenditure. What other country in the world accepts… Read more »

The Bellwether
The Bellwether
6 years ago

Of course one must admire and agree with everything written in the article above. The solution to Welsh ‘confidence’ is in the Diaspora. Putative Prophets, like Rhun ap Iorwerth, are never ‘recognised in their own lands’ so appeals, incentives, demands must be made to confident (and economically competent) Welsh people in far flung corners of the earth to come back and sort things out. This is what the Irish and the Scots have done and are still doing. Making it easier for young people to stay would help as well. Sadly, many, if they have anything about them, take the… Read more »

Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards
6 years ago

Rhun, you say “Wales should be a self-governing/sovereign/independent country”. You need to be clearer, because of the implications. “Indepdendent” is fine-sounding but is vague.Probably better to combine the fine-sounding and the recognised term and say “independent sovereign State.” Independent Sovereign LIke Ireland, Slovenia, Lithuania, Finland? They all broke away from various independent sovereign States and became independent sovereign States themselves, recognised by other independent sovereign States. This is very hard to do. Fine for Wales to have a party that aims for this. Could be like the SNP and Scotland and get to 40%+ in the polls. But in Wales… Read more »

Rhun ap Iorwerth
Rhun ap Iorwerth
6 years ago

Hi. Thanks for your comments. You misread a number of things. a) I’m clearly not saying Wales IS self-governing, but that I want it to be. b) Alliance with Labour? The alliance I was talking about on the question of Wales’ sovereignty, was between Plaid/Yes Cymru/other indidviduals and groups committed to building Welsh nationhood, not Labour. Labour is a unionist party. Individual Labour members/supporters (or those of any other parties for that matter) can come on board, obvs, and we need them to. I think the main point that I was trying to make was that I think it’s a… Read more »

Gareth Tuen
Gareth Tuen
6 years ago

‘obvs’ – what a ledge
A dy “comment-ception-esque” comment uchod.
Da wyt!

Capitalist and Welshnash
Capitalist and Welshnash
6 years ago

Annwyl Rhun, Mae anghytundebau â chi gen i. Ond pan dreuliais noson a bore mewn cwmni flirtatious ag aelod Llafur, gwelais i fod gan lawer yn y Blaid Lafur chip on the shoulder go iawn am yr iaith Gymraeg, a rhoi Cymru’n gyntaf. Wedyn, aeth ymlaen a’ch sarhau chi’n benodol, a phwyleisio bod angen dod i ben â thlodi a bod hunaniaeth Gymraeg yn rhwystr i gydraddoldeb. So I decided bod angen arnaf i gefnogi Plaid yn lleol yn erbyn y Blaid Lafur nac ystyried ymuno â nhw er lles fy hun a rhyw fath o yrfa ar ben eu… Read more »

Gareth Tuen
Gareth Tuen
6 years ago

Pwy sy’n sosialaidd? nid llafur (cymru), yn bendant!

Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards
6 years ago

OK Rhun, you convinced me. I think. Lets try some things and see if they fit. We try to build alliances with,….who? – YesCymru. A minnau’nn aelod hefyd. But bear in mind they (like Plaid) are leftish, and should be in not out anyway. Easy. – Neil McEvoy and 20/20? No brainer. Stop bullying McEvoy for merely fighting the good fight. Easy – Royston Jones’ following? Someone called them Welsh Ukippers which was harsh. But they are not exactly left- leaning. Ally anyway? – members of Labour for Independent Wales? Try to peel them off and get them on side?… Read more »

John Davies
John Davies
6 years ago

I fin it remarkable that the editor of this site has allowed Jonathan Edwards to accuse Rhun of bullying Neil McEvoy when it is McEvoy himself who has been found guilty of bullying. What is even more remarkable is that Mr Edwards, who I believe is Mr McEvoy’s solicitor, was himself found guilty of bullying and sexual harassment by the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service in 2013! I suggest that the editor does more research before allowing comments, or articles, from such obviously flawed characters. The English media would have a field day if Neil McEvoy ever came close… Read more »

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