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Wales deserves better after 25 years of mismanagement under Labour

29 May 2024 8 minute read
Vaughan Gething (L) and David TC Davies( Photo Richard-Townshend-CC-BY-3.0.

David TC Davies – MP for Monmouth and the Secretary of State for Wales.

Devolution, under a Labour Welsh government, would be a silver bullet to every single problem facing Wales…

This claim was repeated over and over again in 1997 by then-Prime Minister Tony Blair and the rest of Labour, when a referendum was held to decide whether to create a Welsh Assembly.

And from 1999, when the Labour Welsh Government came into existence, they have been responsible for our hospitals, schools, economic development (including setting business rates), environment (including tackling pollution in rivers), councils, coal tips, transport, and roads, as well as other areas.

25 years ago this month marked the first sitting of the-then Welsh Assembly (now Welsh Parliament) and it got me thinking: what has the Labour Welsh Government done for Wales?

Self Harm

To begin, we have a £33-million 20mph default speed limit which, according to the Welsh Government’s own analysis, will hit the economy by billions.

Why Labour decided to pursue this economic self-harm is beyond me. Despite the outcry of half a million people signing a petition, Labour refuses to budge – apart from offering a tokenistic tinkering (and conveniently it was timed for the same week as further embarrassing revelations came to light of their First Minister).

Motorists and businesses who want new roads to ease congestion and boost the economy have long had their hopes dashed, after Labour announced a ban on any new roads being built. Yes, that means road infrastructures, like an M4 relief road, will not happen.

Farmers, who we all rely on to put food on our table, have been protesting after the Labour Welsh Government initially proposed to force from them to forfeit 10% of their land for tree planting, plus another 10% for other schemes to receive subsidies.

So 20% of land that is perfect for growing crops or grazing livestock will be taken out of production. This decision could force farms out of business and cause our country to become more reliant on food imports. Following farmer-led protests Labour ministers postponed the scheme until after the election -but the whole thing should be scrapped.


Waiting lists continue to be the worst in the country, with one-in-five people currently stuck for two years or more, and ambulance response times lag far behind England’s.

How does Labour respond? By purchasing industrial-sized fan units to blow away the diesel fumes from ambulances which are parked up for hours at a time in A&E units waiting to discharge patients and by forcing health boards to make over £60 million cuts, only to then spend over £120 million of taxpayers’ money on creating dozens of extra politicians in the Welsh Parliament.

Rather than waste taxpayers’ money on more politicians – which will not reduce NHS waiting lists – Labour should put their plan to the people in a referendum to allow them to decide.

Childcare in Wales has also been slashed by £17 million, whilst the UK Government is doubling investment for those in England from £4 billion to £8 billion.

Many Welsh children are also having precious time in the classroom being taken up by the gender-neutral muffin challenge and other absolutely ridiculous themes.That’s why it comes as no surprise that Wales’ results in Maths and English continue to lag at the bottom of the PISA league table. As Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said, the firm focus of school pupils should be on core subject areas to best prepare and equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in life.


More recently, we now have a new First Minister, Vaughan Gething, who became embroiled in controversy and scandal even before he got the top job! He accepted hundred of thousands of pounds to aid his leadership campaign from someone who had been convicted twice of environmental offences related to waste dumped on the Gwent Levels.

Mr Gething’s record speaks for itself; whilst economy minister, he oversaw the Development Bank of Wales sustaining colossal losses of over £60 million of tax payers’ money, which also handed a £400,000 loan to the same scandal hit company company that was able to donate to his leadership campaign.

It begs the pertinent question: why did this company need a loan of £400,000 from a bank funded by the Welsh taxpayer, when it was able to later make a £200,000 political donation?

The controversy has continued.


Mr Gething, who was Health Minister during the Covid crisis, told the UK Covid inquiry that his phone messages with other Ministers had been deleted when he had his phone “serviced”, but the Nation.Cymru news website has published a screenshot of a message in which Mr Gething says he would be deleting everything to avoid Freedom of Information requests.

So far, the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales and the rest of Labour have remained radio silent on all of these…

Nor has Sir Keir Starmer said anything. He still genuinely believes that the Labour Welsh Government’s policies are – and I quote – a “blueprint” that he would rollout to the rest of the United Kingdom. This “blueprint” will grind the whole of our country to an abrupt halt.

That is now the greatest problem facing Wales, as well as the rest of the United Kingdom.

Imagine having a UK Government under Sir Keir Starmer who, despite the devastating impact Welsh Labour continues to wield, will back those responsible no matter the cost.

Whether it is Vaughan Gething or Sir Keir Starmer, two things have become crystal-clear: they do not have a plan for Wales and to distract from this they blame all their failures on the UK Government, normally by claiming the Welsh Government is underfunded.

But their constant mythmaking needs debunking.

Firstly, the UK Conservative Government is providing £18 billion a year to the Welsh Government – the biggest block grant in the history of devolution.

Sadly, this money is being wasted on countless vanity projects – £33 million on 20mph default speed limits, over £100 million on creating more politicians, £157 million on plans for an M4 relief road (which was then sank), over £4 million essentially spent on buying a birds’ nest in Mid Wales, and the list goes on. Bluntly they have the money for our public services but it’s about priorities.

But where Labour is determined to slow down Wales, the Conservatives are levelling up.

The UK Conservative Government is prioritising bringing investment to every part of Wales. We know how important it is to create jobs and opportunities and we are making investments which will benefit people and communities.

That is why we’ve invested more than £2.5 billion in the form of five towns funds, four growth deals, three rounds of levelling up, two investment zones and two freeports.

All these achievements will make Wales more competitive and attractive, meaning we will see the creation of better paid local jobs for local people.

The UK Conservative Government has put more money into people’s pockets by boosting the incomes of people earning some of the lowest wages.

Increasing the National Living Wage by 9.8% to £11.44 per hour and increasing the National Minimum wage by 14.8% to £8.60 an hour, benefitting 140,000 people in Wales.


Also, 1.2 million workers in Wales are benefitting from £642 being put back into their pocket thanks to the National Insurance tax cuts from the Autumn Statement and Spring Budget.

During the height of the pandemic, it was the UK Conservative Government that delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe and launched the furlough scheme to save over 100,000 jobs in Wales – whilst the Labour Welsh Government blocked an independent inquiry into its handling of health during this period.

As a government, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has demonstrated time and again that he will not hesitate to act in Wales’ best interests.

And there is no greater example of this than at Port Talbot Steelworks, where TATA Steel came to the UK Government threatening to close its plant with the loss of thousands of jobs and the end of steelmaking in Wales. The Prime Minister, Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch and I were determined not to let that happen.

That is why we pumped in half a billion pounds to help fund a new electric arc furnace which will use scrap steel to make new products.

The deal does not mean our security is in jeopardy because TATA’s Port Talbot site never supplied steel to the defence industry, and it also means we will be less dependent on imports.

TATA was firm there was no plan B.

For those who will sadly lose their jobs a transition board, which the UK Government has supplied £80 million towards, will help retrain them into alternative forms of employment. No one will be left behind.

To date, the Labour Welsh Government has refused to offer a single penny towards this – despite finding over £100 million to create more politicians…

Day in, day out, Welsh Conservative MPs hold the Labour Welsh Government to account for their actions.

And the facts – which I’ve outlined above – speak for themselves.

After 25 years of Labour blatantly taking advantage, Wales deserves better.

You can show your dissatisfaction with Vaughan Gething and 25 years of Labour Welsh Governments by voting Conservative on July 4.

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2 months ago

Sounds like he’s written off getting re-elected as an MP and is trying to make a case for being selected as a candidate for the Tories in the next Senedd election.

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
2 months ago
Reply to  CapM

Can you provide the next Euro Millions winning numbers!

2 months ago
Reply to  Johnny Gamble

I wouldn’t say that Davies’ chances of winning are as slim as the chance of winning the Euro lottery but maybe you’re privy to inside information.

2 months ago

Problem is Mr Davies, we have seen what your lot can do in 14 years, you know, Cameron (brexit) May (er) Johnson (liar and a cheat and worst ever UK PM, and there when covid hit), Truss, (remember her? Tanked a nation?), now non dom green card Sunak and it would be far worse if you had the helm with ARTD (basically a tub thumper following orders for who ever is shouting the loudest in No10).

So, its not great, but it is far better than your gang of miscreants at the wheel.

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
2 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

Just wait for the return of the Blairites with Sir Kid Staver

2 months ago
Reply to  Johnny Gamble

Well, we got brexit cos Cameron then he did a runner….. No, hang on, OK May….nope. Johnson, serial liar and cheat wanting OAP’s to take it on the chin for the rest of us, aftre all they had a good innings….nope hang on Truss, there is a shining light, burned so bright the stupid crashed the UK, OK perhaps not, OK, Sunak….nope, too busy setting up his green card and freebie helicopter ride. In all that while sod all done to help people. Yep, really trembling with Starmer. They do something good cos sure as hell the Tory party are… Read more »

2 months ago

Oh how right he is – that “better” will never be in the hands of the Tories though!

Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
2 months ago

So the Welsh Traitor Davies says no better after 25 years and England and the U K every thing is Tickety boo under Tories is it i think not do not forget previous to that before 1999 from 1979 Tory years up until 1997 under the Witch called Thatcher now rotting in Hell the worst years for Wales in the modern era if i was you Davies i would shut your vile mouth

2 months ago
Reply to  Dai Ponty

Well said!

2 months ago

“That is why we’ve invested more than £2.5 billion in the form of …

… five towns funds, four growth deals, three rounds of levelling up, two investment zones … ”

…and a partridge in a pear tree ?

It’s about as seriously as I can take what he has written to be honest.

2 months ago

He’s got some front writing this. Oh my, yes we can criticise the Labour Welsh Government. That is easy enough. Davies is in no position to point the finger. His party has been catastrophic for Wales. Also, allow me to bust a myth for TC here – The Tories do not provide £18Bn for Wales. They divert the proceeds of the Welsh workforce’s labour and control it for their own political purposes. That is our money and it should never pass through Whitehall under the governance of a Tory party that has never once won a national election and hence… Read more »

2 months ago

Did you comission this Nation, or did he make you an offer you couldn’t refuse?

Andrew Thomas
Andrew Thomas
2 months ago
Reply to  Eifion

All due fairness to Nation they’ve got to give everyone a fair crack of the whip let him shoot him self in the foot!

2 months ago

You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. This is written by a man who knows the tories will never govern in Wales. And it hurts him, poor baby.

2 months ago

Mr Davies, would you like to explain where our money has gone post Brexit, because it was you who stated the UK Gov was ” absolutely committed ” to ensuring Wales does not lose a penny due to Brexit, but a UK Gov written statement for 2022 to 2025 said there would be a £735 million shortfall in the community renewal fund, and a £234 million shortfall in the rural development fund. I think Cymru deserves better than you.

Cwm Rhondda
Cwm Rhondda
2 months ago

In Cymru’s history there have been many Dic Sion Dafydds, the current batch of David TC Davies, Alan Cairns, and ART Davies are up there with the worse in our history.

2 months ago
Reply to  Cwm Rhondda

Yep, it’s not even for money, which you could maybe forgive (having to support family for example) but those in question generally believe with all their rotten soul that they (the English) are our superiors….unfortunately there is no cure for this illness.

2 months ago

Mr Davies is one of the most vile and disgusting members of the human race. He wants to end Wales right to govern itself, and turn us into a cosy little county of England.
His party have turned the UK into an international laughing stock and Wales shouldnt have to suffer
As per usual though, he has only ever won seats due to being mates with the rich farmers in Monmouthshire. I still live in hope that the electorate will start to read their candidates voting history and realise why this awful person should never be allowed near Welsh politics.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 months ago

Yes David, and Wales also deserve the restoration of Senedd Brexit powers taken by Whitehall, the devolution of Policing, Criminal & Youth Justice Systems denied by you and previous English overseers, especially our £4 billion HS2 consequential you stated we should not get one penny off you bombastic bigoted little England treacherous Tory miscreant.

Last edited 2 months ago by Y Cymro
2 months ago

It’s funny because he is right. Unionists have been the cause of all Wales problems since, well, the act of union. The two main unionist parties who have been in control of either local Welsh governance or from London have slowed and hindered the standard of living in this country.

Linda Jones
Linda Jones
2 months ago

Wales does deserve better, better than Labour at the Senedd and the Tories in Westminster. A common theme for both seems to be corruption, greed and incompetence.

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