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Petition calling for a rebrand of the WRU crest nears 10,000 signatures

24 Jul 2023 3 minute read
The current WRU logo (Credit: WRU)

A petition calling for a rebrand of the Welsh Rugby Union logo has neared 10,000 signatures.

Trystan Gruffydd, who launched the petition, claims the three white feathers aren’t “embraced by everyone in Wales and supporters of Welsh rugby.”

Instead, Mr Gruffydd, along with many others, believe that the WRU emblem should be the Red Dragon or even the Welsh Leek.

The petition was launched several months ago following a BBC Wales investigation revealed accusations of bullying, sexism, and sexual misconduct towards women in the WRU, with then chief executive Steve Phillips resigning less than a week after the programme aired.

Principality Stadium Dressing Room(Credit: Lacu Schienred, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

Mr Gruffydd’s petition reads: ‘Following the shocking allegations of sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia and other inappropriate language used by some staff at the Welsh Rugby Union, the organisation’s reputation is now in tatters. The urgent priority of the WRU should obviously be to make the organisation a safe place to work and free from sexism, racism and homophobia.

‘Achieving this, the WRU should be rebranded with a more politically neutral emblem that properly represents everyone in Wales, such as the Welsh dragon (or other Welsh symbol such as a leek).

‘The feathers have absolutely no connection with the last princes of Wales, Llywelyn and Owain Glyndwr. The feathers were first used by Englishman “Edward the Black Prince” and other English (then British) heir apparents with no genuine connection to Wales whatsoever. It is not an emblem that is embraced by everyone in Wales and supporters of Welsh rugby… this is as good a time as any for the WRU to reset and rebrand.’


One of those in favour of the change was Lee Waunfawr from Newport. He explained why he signed the petition and why others should do so too.

“I’ve been a fan of rugby since I was just a teen, and I’ve always felt very strongly about my Welsh identity – the current symbol is outdated and very monarchist, which I think is a dead idea, especially to Wales

“Everyone recognises the WRU, we need something with a strong Welsh identity, like the Dragon or the leek. Rugby is engrained in the Welsh psyche, but the emblem isn’t truly Welsh. Now is the pivotal point to strengthen Welsh identity, and it’s important we show how wonderful Wales is.”

The WRU has had the same logo since it was formed in 1881.

Back in October 2021 Yes Cymru revealed three new alternative designs for the Welsh Rugby Union crest – that ditched the Prince of Wales three feathers.

The independence group issued the designs, which they believed were more ‘Welsh’ as opposed to a symbol of the British monarchy.

You can view and sign the petition HERE

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Arthur Owen
Arthur Owen
1 year ago

As far as I am concerned the three feathers is primarily the badge of the WRU,as someone who is interested in history I know the story but not often do I think of it.I think the Senedd should abolish the title and award the three feathers to the Union.Not feasible at the moment perhaps,but you never know.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arthur Owen

I don’t think the Senedd/Llywodreath has the power to abolish the title.

1 year ago
Reply to  notimejeff

Sport is a devolved matter so I think they do, however it would be very controversial as the state shouldn’t really interfere in regards to private institutions.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
1 year ago
Reply to  notimejeff

Actually we are not part of the United Kingdom, and this could be proven in a court of law due to our illegal annexation of 1535 Wales has every right to replace the German Feathers with Y Ddraig Goch to truly represent our nation. Welsh football has the dragon and do should Welsh rugby. Why should we give England supporting Prince William any credibility with his record since daddy gave him a country to play with. Also, seeing the Tories are pro- Ukraine at the moment. Who in the recent past have attacked Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the Dombas… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

That’s right! The terminology itself is proof of this matter. The United Kingdom’s of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. NI is the clue! Its the only one named separately, which implies it’s neither a part of UK or GB, which then also implies The UK and GB are made up of the same three nations, which then leads one to question, why two names for the same political makeup? It’s because the United Kingdom’s are the make up of the legally unified nations of England and Scotland, Great Britain is named when the illegal annexation of Wales is included… as… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Riki

Exactly correct, England made up the name “Great” Britain unified with Scotland and trick the world that England is British. Only the Welsh are British being the only indigenous people on the British Isles. England unified with Scotland to strengthen illegal political power and prevent the Welsh continuing their rebellion.

1 year ago
Reply to  notimejeff

Yes they do, Wales is not legally unified with England in any regard. The people of Wales need to wake up to this fact. It means the government in Cardiff doesn’t need permission from London to do anything.

1 year ago

The union care not what the fans think. Following the scrapping of the 7’s team to form a GB team, they are now actively trying to promote a Bath v Gloucester game at the principality, on the same day as Cardiff v Scarlets are playing nextdoor at the arms park. Truly the actions of a union that cares for its fans.

Owain Morgan
Owain Morgan
1 year ago

Good idea! I’ve signed the petition because it’s about time old white men, who are sycophants for the English monarchy, woke up to the fact that they alone don’t represent Welsh Rugby. Welsh Rugby belongs to all Welsh people regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or political views.

1 year ago

It really isn’t a good symbol for Wales as it represents the conquest and suppression of a Welsh identity. That’s a fact. But I doubt they’ll take any notice, they are so entrenched and supported by a monarchist establishment who are running scared of the anti-monarchist mood now so common.The PofW is a tax-dodging millionaire. He gets 22mn a year from the Duchy of Cornwall, which is a corporation but pays no corporation tax: William gets the lot. Not a good symbol.

Mick Thomas
Mick Thomas
1 year ago

What is the point of this? Will it fix the problems in the WRU? 10,000 signatures is a tiny proportion of the Welsh fans and nothing to cheer about. And what would we change it to? The Daffodil – widely agreed as a misinterpreted leek and used as the symbol for the PoW coronation 100years ago (and looks remarkably like Japan’s rugby emblem). The Leek – first used as a celebration of Welsh archers in the 100 years war, yep England v France (I’ll not comment on what that logo looks similar to). The Dragon – the invading Roman legion’s… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Mick Thomas
Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
1 year ago
Reply to  Mick Thomas

Why bring British Empire wars into the subject! Anyone reading the logo of the feathers would automatically identify it as German.
There’s nothing wrong with replacing them with The Cross of St David, it’s about time that the WRU abandoned their obsession with The English Royals and followed the example of The FA of Wales who genuinely promote Cymru to the Rest of The World.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
1 year ago

We all as fans of Welsh Rugby should support & sign this petition. I’ve never understood why the WRU continues to use a German royal crest to represent Wales? Our national symbol is Y Ddraig Goch , our name Cymru, and it will forever be that. Both symbolises our resistance as a native people for well over 1450 years, if not longer. I suggest that the WRU listen to the Welsh people and change it not ape Tory Whitehall who in the past has patronised & ignored thousands who signed previous petitions calling for the devolution to create national Saint… Read more »

1 year ago

time to rid ourselves of a forced english royal symbol. People say German, that would be ok with me, decent country. But its not, its a symbol of English empire and its crimes. Now waht t orepalce to be unique, who knows. But worth a look, to creat a identity that represents our nation, not anothers.

1 year ago

We are in safe hands with the WRU. Given the deep fertiliser they have dropped the game into, they took decisive action……..they banned Delilah
All is well
A less generous person might think they were quislings working for England, and a fine job they are doing

Steve Thomas
Steve Thomas
1 year ago

As a proud Welsh rugby fan for over 50 years, I would oppose such a move to rebrand the WRU with such a crap, bland, nonsense of a logo. The plume of feathers has been the emblem that many great players over the years have been proud to have near their hearts. If you don’t like Welsh rugby, fine. Go and support England.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Thomas

You are not Welsh and your generation that have bowed to the Royals will be replaced by the next generation of Welsh speaking people that love their country and have confidence to ignore the lies and become independent for the greater of its people and future generations.

1 year ago

Another example of the people of Wales not understanding their nations history! The feathers may have been used by The Germans and French, and English. But they were all taken from the ancient Awen Symbol of the Britons.

Keith Gogarth
Keith Gogarth
1 year ago

The three feathers represent a person, an English institution. It is used in many non Welsh contexts and in no way represents Wales. I think every rugby playing nation uses a symbol representing their country not not sad little Wales.
Who can remember the time when Glyndwr banners were banned from the Milenium Stadium?

Neil Tyre
Neil Tyre
1 year ago

Where’s the petition or opportunity not to agree with the change The silent majority need the opportunity to objective This is an iconic badge worn by legends Embraced by all Leave it alone

1 year ago
Reply to  Neil Tyre

Leave the decision to the real Welsh people.

1 year ago

The three feathers emblem belong to the Duke of Cornwall (DOC). A title that the Heir Apparent to the Throne of England (HATE) gets automatically when the previous HATE becomes the monarch. Some time afterwards the monarch usually gives the HATE another title, Prince of Wales (POW). No official duties or responsibilities or perks come with the POW title. Lots of people assume that the three feathers are somehow Welsh. They’re not in any sense apart from one. Some people cherish them, are proud of them, adopt them as part of their identity. But then that’s the sort of behaviour… Read more »

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