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Creator of Senedd dragon penis petition revealed to be a Welsh artist

31 Jul 2021 2 minute read
Rhŷn Williams (inset) with his ‘Draig Goch’ painting (DeviantArt: Rhyn-Art)

The weird Senedd petition that calls on the Welsh Government to ensure dragons are depicted with a penis is the creation of a Welsh artist.

Rhŷn Ap Glyn Williams who created the online petition last week is a Bachelor of Fine whose art has been viewed more than 500,000 times by visitors to the DeviantArt website.

The Senedd petition argues that by depicting Welsh dragons ‘standing proud’, it helps the nation to, ‘portray dominance and leadership’.

He posted a link to the petition on his Facebook page saying: “Who the hell knows why the poor sod was turned into an eunuch, it could be down to obscenity, it could be down to forgetting to include it, or it could be down to politics, where those responsible for producing the flags removed it to symbolise Wales’ role within the British kingdom.

“This confusion has bewildered many artists, poets, songwriters and authors alike for centuries by mistaking his sex. But what we do know is that the penis is still being added via royal imagery so this should convince the Welsh government to add a penis to our flag? Time will tell.”


As the Senedd petition has now received more than 50 votes, it qualifies for initial discussion by the Petition’s Committee. Despite having racked up more 250 supporters, the next milestone is still some way off with 10,000 backers needed before it’s considered for a Senedd debate.

Each petition received by the Senedd has to have two backers and is checked to ensure it meets certain guidelines before being accepted. Included among the reasons to reject a petition is if it’s, “a joke, an advert or nonsense”.

The artist’s past work has included portraits of a singer Gruff Rhys, a Mari Llwyd and even his own depiction of a Welsh dragon.

Rhŷn’s profile lists him as living in Pwllheli but coming from Tudweiliog on the northern coast of the Llyn peninsula.


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Shan Morgain
3 years ago

Dragons are not ‘real’ animals. They are a fantasy beast, a ‘chimera’, a combination of different beast types which symbolises Spirit. So wings for birds (Air), scales for water creatures (Water), firey tongue (Fire) thick heavy body for earth (Earth). Mediaeval philosophy of the Elements. There is no gender, the dragon can be either or neither. The Draig is both female and male. In male aspect there is no need for visible penis either there is none (cloaca) or it’s behind the leg. Excluding all Welsh women from our beloved Draig could only come from a very young immature male… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Shan Morgain

He’s just trolling so he can get traffic, it’s so lame and a gross misuse of the democratic process.

Rhŷn Williams
Rhŷn Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Cath

At no point did I ask for my art to be brought up, but thanks for putting me down because some opinion you hold. here’s why I brought the subject up, because our dragon has been censored, (image of Henry VII’s coat of arms) i’m not sexist, I don’t care if my art gets promoted, all I care about is the topic at hand.

Cymro newydd
Cymro newydd
3 years ago
Reply to  Shan Morgain

And if the dragon is a species of lizard or indeed dinosaur, the member is likely to be introverted or hidden. In any case, why can’t it be female?

Last edited 3 years ago by Cymro newydd
Rhŷn Williams
Rhŷn Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Shan Morgain

I have done my research though, Henry VII created our flag, he depicted him as a he, the only thing I’m doing is pointing it out, i’m not sexist, I’m not anti LGBT, to assume I’m a; “very young immature male – who hasn’t done his research” only shows that you don’t know much about our flag’s history.

3 years ago

Yeah what a guy, using the democratic process to draw attention to his own work, what a true patriot,….

…and this website is platforming his lame little trolling exercise designed to get him more hits on his socials because it is run by idiotic amateurs.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cath

Gorau doethineb, tewi.

Dim ond rhoi mwy o ocsigen i un nad yw’n ei haeddu rydym ni’n ei wneud yma, drwy frygowthan am ei ‘Gelfyddyd’.

Doeth pob tawgar – mae’na bethau pwysicach yng Nghymru i fynd i’r afael â nhw a thrafod.

3 years ago

A Welsh p155 artist and a ridiculous terd

Alan Reilly
Alan Reilly
3 years ago
Reply to  #1Chris

Damn you… you beat me to it… I was about to write “he’s certainly a pîss artist anyway”. 😉

3 years ago

So it turns out it’s a Cymro after all. The worrying thing is he meant it.

Rhŷn Williams
Rhŷn Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Wrexhamian

Beth sy’n poeni fi yw fod y Cymry ddim yn gwybod hanes eu hunain, dyma llyn o arfbais Harri VII (Y Cymro pwy creuodd ein baner).

3 years ago
Reply to  Rhŷn Williams

Rhyn, dach chi’n cywir am hanes y baner, ond mi teimlodd o’n weird i isio debate yn y Senedd amdano fo, dw i’n meddwl. Pam, met?

Rhŷn Williams
Rhŷn Williams
3 years ago

Just so that people are aware, my art has nothing to do with the petition, the journalist scoured through my profiles digging for my information, leaving out crucial information to my reasoning by cherry-picking.. I had no say in the matter (what? news companies bend truth?). Why I created the petition and why people should notice the issue; Simply put, this is not my viewpoint, it’s Henry VII’s.. he was the one that created our Welsh dragon and it was he who depicted him with a member, there may be several reasons why his member was removed.. could be down… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Rhŷn Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Rhŷn Williams

Oce, dw i’n gweld rwan bod chi wedi atebu fy ngwestiwn. Diolch. Ond ella rhai o bobol yn dal i feddwl fod o ddim digon prysur, a ddylech chi ddim sgwenny at y Senedd amdano fo yn ystod y pandemig. Dach chi wedi ‘wneud pwynt da, ond rhaid i ni beidio dishonour y baner Cymru.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wrexhamian

Os yw e o fewn y traddodiad, fel ma Rhyn yn sarhai’r faner? I ni gyd yn trafod r’hen thing nawr. Mission accomplished. Sdim car da fi at y symboliaeth mond yn sgil fy nghar at Gymru. Os nad ysyn yn gallu cael hwyl gyda na chwestiynnu’n traddodiadau na’n hanes, pa siort o ddiwylliant sy? Nid un cryf, nid un neiff oroesi. Ma’r stynt fach yma yn brawd o gadernyd Cymru – cymerwn y joc, disgwn gwers bach hanes, symydwn mlaen at rhyddid. Aros yn prim a proper am y fath pethau a gwaith Rhyn, ac arhoswn yn Yr Un… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Rhŷn Williams

Henry VII was a Norman / Welsh a55 who did nothing for Wales. Like so many Welsh who scale the dike, he could not wait to go native and emptied his bowels over the home nation who delivered his victory almost immediately. So who cares what his special badge looked like. He’s no friend of the Cymry. His son thick Henery 8 ditto. the Schleswig-Holstein-Mountbatten-Pappadoulou-Sunderberg-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha arms supporters are also sans throbbing member so the point is moot. why is a potentially free Wales worried about what feudalists do? We don’t want them to be fair. We want them to be… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by #1Chris
3 years ago
Reply to  Rhŷn Williams

But having read the latter part of your post. I too have dealt with the media regarding a few matters. I also live in a town that has suffered significantly from the disgusting excesses of the English press in a ghoulish feeding frenzy when a massively tragic (but still statistically just a blip) event caught their sensationalist beady eyes and they flooded the place to uncaringly pour salt all over the wounds of a grieving town in search of salacious click bait tales of cults poverty, young without hope and the occult. Going so far as to offer bribes to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by #1Chris
3 years ago
Reply to  Rhŷn Williams

Sorry another one from me. But relevant. having checked it out, the crown’s vanity shield supporters are sometimes shown avec phalluses and sometimes sans. But when avec these members are not rampant, but passant (on the flop). Checking the stupid heraldic “rules” online, the ridiculously titled “herald of the college of arms” states no rules of the presence and state of genitalia on emblems or supporting beasts. The means of representing y Ddraig Goch is not standardised beyond red, wings, rampant, facing the flagpole. So you are breaking no rules of stupid heraldry and flaggery if you put a Willy… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  #1Chris

The bent cone that forms the dragon’s, uh, beak(?) does look a bit like a sex toy. Adding a peen is a bit on the nose. We should be happy enough with our hidden nose dildo.

3 years ago
Reply to  CJPh


3 years ago

Why are N.C giving oxygen to this nonsense….. something from page 94 of the Sun?

3 years ago
Reply to  Quornby

Hells bells, that rag doesn’t have 94 plus pages does it? How many chips do they think scousers eat?

Huw Davies
Huw Davies
3 years ago
Reply to  CJPh

Is The Sun for sale in Liverpool now? Hillsborough lies forgiven?

3 years ago
Reply to  Huw Davies

Nah, they just import the unsold blocks and wrap their saveloys and cod in the pages.

3 years ago

At least Nation refer to Rhyn as a ‘bachelor of fine’. That’s a feather in your cap… Although wearing a feathered cap may reduce that title to ‘apprentice of lame’. Pob lwc a’th celfyddyd, da weld fo dal gymaint o greadigrwydd yng Nghymru.

3 years ago

As I understand it, the artist’s concern is that the original dragon was intact and that the emasculation of a national animal is a symbolic political act directly equivalent to erasing a country’s sovreignty.

The main difficulty with reinstating the offending member is that while half the country probably don’t care (except for the humerous aspect…), the other half will very definitely feel both offended and disenfranchised.

Is it feasibleible to take the wind out of the emasculators’ sails by making an official declaration regarding anatomy and gender, perhaps producing one official stylised national emblem?

3 years ago
Reply to  defaid

Or becoming an independent state and hashing it out then? This isn’t me trying to be glib – this issue will be viewed as fringe, a silly sideshow. Under the current political arrangement, such situations become fodder for those who would see us remain in the union (look at those foolish taffs squabble about a dragon’s deek). Once we’re free, our citizenry can choose to ignore, mock or support issues like this. Other natons’ wags may have a pop, but who cares? Both Trump and Trudeau get pelters from all over the world and from within. Is Canada about to… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  CJPh

That’s a good suggestion. Let’s deal with the urgent issue first.

3 years ago

Good for you Rhy^n. We need to have our assumptions, perceptions and states of ignorance poked now and again. Also I can’t really see why some here think or say that we are only capable of considering one issue at a time. Even if another issue under consideration is Covid. The Dragon mythology is or was widespread in Europe and beyond going back thousands of years. I think Cymru is the only country in Europe that features the imagery of the dragon in a positive light though. The issue of – on show or not – might not be seismic… Read more »

Andrew Redman
Andrew Redman
3 years ago
Reply to  CapM

Some may thing that the Dragon should be non binary?

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