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GB News presenter complains that Wales option on forms is ‘confusing’

23 Aug 2021 2 minute read
Alex Phillips on GB News

Having a Wales option on forms is “confusing”, a GB News presenter has suggested.

Former Brexit Party MEP Alex Phillips complained during her take on saving the union on the ‘anti-woke’ channel, that Wales can “boast” its “own billings” because it’s “hard to know what country you’re in”.

According to Phillips, our “shared identity” in the UK is also “baffling” for foreign diplomats.

She said: “When filling out an address online sometimes it’s hard to know what country you’re in when scrolling down the drop-down box.

“If you were looking under G for Great Britain perhaps, or use the United Kingdom, or perhaps England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland all boast their own billings. This confusion mirrors the same circumstance we find ourselves in.

“The complex nature of our shared identity, baffling foreign diplomats and world leaders, as well as us, ourselves.”


She added: “This fractured and fragmented yet compressed composite formed over centuries through blood spilt on battlefields and strategic marriages between grand dynasties is held together by the geographic frontiers of the seas ringing our isles and bound by modern consolidated international identity.

“An identity constantly being pushed and pulled and recalibrated through contemporary political discussions.

“The evolution of our United Kingdom has been thrown into reverse quite literally through devolution, raising the question of whether we are indeed one nation, one people, one scatter of chunks of land in an expanse of sea with a shared common purpose.

“Or are we four quite separate countries loosely held together economically? Perhaps we are both simultaneously, a constant contradiction.”

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Andrew Thomas
Andrew Thomas
3 years ago

If she is so baffled how is she on tv!

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Thomas

There’s ‘being on telly’ and ‘being on telly’.

Compare and contrast her and her ilk with, Sir David Attenborough, say.

Kevin Morgan
Kevin Morgan
3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Thomas

She is a puppet for Nigel Farages dividing Europe first, now he’s sewing division within the UK. He did as much damage as he could to sabotage our relationship with our friends in Europe, stirs as much trouble as he can at every opportunity still, then he quit and somehow 🤔 cosies up with GB News who were founded solely to attack the other side of the (now stepped down/disgarded) modern Monarch, the Woke Culture Harry and Meghan are popular with, and has further become a stock sales broker. Must be paying him well for him to do so much… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Morgan

You seem confused.

Elvey MacDonald
Elvey MacDonald
3 years ago

We were never ‘one nation’ – even before devolution. How difficult is it to understand?

3 years ago

Independence for all five nations: Cymru, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and yes, Cornwall, too.

No more confusion.


3 years ago
Reply to  Welsh_Sion

To right.

Last edited 3 years ago by Llewelyn
Roderich Heier
Roderich Heier
3 years ago

Why is it so confusing? Anyone with one active brain cell can understand it quite easily.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roderich Heier

We’re talking an ex-Brexit MEP here, who’s “starring” (term used advisedly) on Gbeebies ((c) the Wee Ginger Dug).

You are therefore crediting same with ‘one active brain cell’.

None of the epithets you use apply in this case … 🙂

Mistress Alisoun
Mistress Alisoun
3 years ago

Presumably, she’s vying for the ‘Brain of Britain’ award (ironic version) : )

Llywelyn ein Llyw Nesaf
Llywelyn ein Llyw Nesaf
3 years ago

I don’t know what she’s complaining about. The number of online forms that offer Wales’ or ‘Cymru’ as an option, instead of UK, is miniscule! That needs to change. Time for a campaign?

3 years ago

You have my support. My electoral register confirmation letter landed on my doorstep this morning and I see I’ve stopped being Welsh.

Still, historically I suppose I’d rather be British than Saxon.

tired of this
tired of this
3 years ago

This is certainly true – I have used a LOT of online registration forms or other things that require a location, and I am thinking long and hard about the last time – if ever (other than perhaps on a UK government form) I have been offered the choice of Wales, Scotland, England, NI. Always ‘United KIngdom’ assumng its in English, otherwise some other language version of ‘Great Britain’ is usual. This person’s problem is entirely confected. Of course the problem may be pressing for people who assume it’s all England on this island – I can just imagine them… Read more »

Thank God for Offa
Thank God for Offa
3 years ago
Reply to  tired of this

You can always choose US Minor Outlying Isles.

It’s a pretty accurate description.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
3 years ago

Yes, the online forms I’ve come across only had one option. United Kingdom. It’s a one size fits all. Bit like Tory misrule.

3 years ago

Simple really…. I’ve declared myself independent… I always cross out UK and put Wales while never ever spending money with Welsh businesses that call themselves British or fly the English Empire flag.

3 years ago

Deleted. My reading ability is no better than her cognitive ability.

Last edited 3 years ago by defaid
3 years ago

Amazed that someone so easily confused has the apparent ability to remember how to breathe

Huw Davies
Huw Davies
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Fortunately, for her, it’s an automated process. Unless Ondine curses you, of course.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

🤣Luv it.

Mr Williams
Mr Williams
3 years ago

I have locked out this channel on my Sky box so I don’t accidentally watch any of its sbwriel while flicking through the channels. You can do this via the ‘services’ button.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mr Williams
AnthonyA Coslett
AnthonyA Coslett
3 years ago

Poor old thing! It’s hard to cope when one just doesn’t have the intellect to grasp the simplest of things. She could have made some attempt not to try to drag others into this quagmire of her own creation. She’s the only one who can’t understand unless one includes all the other hacks and has beens being dragged in to support this flagging and soon to be deceased ‘news’ channel.

3 years ago

Pretend to be stupid in order to make a ludicrous political point against devolution. Worth a try, I suppose.

Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
3 years ago

Sorry Alex, the only people who might be confused are the handful watching your program. Why don’t you admit defeat, finally realise your channel is a disaster and close down.

Shan Morgain
3 years ago

The UK is artificial and recent dating only to the 18th century – 300 years. Historically there have been lots of kingdoms in Ynys hon/ This island. ‘Britain’ was mentioned by Greek seafarers and Roman historians with no implication it was one country. Rome constructed two admin regions Britannia Prima (western) and Britannia Secunda (eastern). The Trioedd speak of a (literary) unity but in reality mediaeval kingdoms flourished in plurality. Britannia continued to mean the mainland island but a geography not a polity. Britain and British was then taken over by the English to label their new combination of England… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Shan Morgain

Take it easy on her Shan, her brain might explode.

3 years ago

Poor dimwit. Low ability to take a concept of multiple nations on board. Wow ! and she had the gall to take juicy MEP salary for how long ?

3 years ago

I am always irritated when I have to select UK or GB. I live in Wales.
I am also annoyed that I have to select Powys – when I live in Sir Faesyfed.
And then there are those forms that don’t understand that not everybody has a street or road as part of their address.

Cai Wogan Jones
Cai Wogan Jones
3 years ago

Alex Phillips is of course a UKIP and BBC Wales alumna. Explains a lot.

Kevin Morgan
Kevin Morgan
3 years ago

Sounds like Alex Phillips is sewing more division in the UK. She is essentially denouncing Wales, which to do so is to say Northern Ireland should be denounced also, given they are both Provinces/Occupied Territories of the larger Umbrella, the Common Wealth. As a Welshman, last I checked, the Welsh have no problem identifying as being British, nor being part of the United Kingdom. All we want is the equal recognition as our counterparts in the common wealth as being our own country. The UK was ancestrally the celtic kingdom, of which the surving remnants are every part of the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Morgan

According to the UN Wales is “a constituent country of the United Kingdom”

Barry Pandy
Barry Pandy
3 years ago

Oh dear, she can’t work out how to choose which nation she belongs to out of the four in the UK. Four options is such a massive and bewildering choice, or at least it is for someone who can’t count. I wonder how she would cope in the United States if she had to choose one out of the 50 states (not to mention the extra territories such as Puerto Rico and Guam)? She wouldn’t stand a chance and would probably moan about their federal system of government causing confusion. Or what if she had to choose from one of… Read more »

arthur owen
3 years ago

I do not think Ms Phillips is confused,rather she is boasting about the UK’s uniqueness.An uniqueness that is,of course,shared by many other states.France who seem to deny it or Spain which formally acknowledge it in their constitution are to examples that come to mind.

3 years ago

Wait a couple of years and it will be ‘England’ as the only choice, the rest will be in the EU.

Huw Davies
Huw Davies
3 years ago

She’s from Gloucester and studied broadcast journalism in Cardiff Uni.. I’m sure she knows exactly where Wales and England are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Huw Davies

Yep…. Just like she knew all about MEPs pension pay.

3 years ago

Do we really need to pay any attention to this channel when no-one watches it?

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
3 years ago

I’d like to remind DB Alex Phillips that Britain is not a country, never has been, but is an island of nation states that were illegally forced together by England by an act of aggression. No democracy involved there. Just plain old occupation & bloodshed, with a bit of ethnic cleansing thrown into the mix May I suggest Miss Phillips educate herself. Go read the Act of Union Wales 1535-1542. Only then can she have an opinion based of fact rather than her dizzy blond moment of madness. Act of Union Wales itself: See, no marriage, or in this case,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Y Cymro
3 years ago

To help the lady let me explain….. We are four nations ruled by one city and one social bubble in the biggest of the four. In God’s name in a world where Fiji, Tonga and Tanzania are free what are we still doing here?

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