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MS calls for more government help for foodbanks

18 Nov 2023 2 minute read
Peredur Owen Griffiths. Picture by Plaid Cymru

The Welsh Government is being urged to make it easier for foodbanks or food share schemes to apply for grants.

Plaid Cymru MS Peredur Owen Griffiths raised the issue in the Senedd last week during questions to the Social Justice Minister Jane Hutt.

Citing the example of TK’s and Community Group food share in Cwm, near Ebbw Vale, the Senedd Member for South Wales East, said they  have struggled to keep pace with demand on their services amidst the cost-of-living crisis.

Many of the volunteers at the project are older people who struggle with the application process for various grants that would allow them to expand their services and reach, he added.


Mr Griffiths said: “The need in Blaenau Gwent is indeed massive. People are really struggling during this cost-of-living crisis.

“My office has been in touch with TK’s and Community Group food share in Cwm, and they’ve been finding it difficult to meet demand.

“Their supplies ran very low recently, but fortunately they have been replenished in time for the Christmas rush, as a result of local harvest appeals through schools and churches.”

“This is where we are after 13 years of austerity and 13 years of Tory Westminster leadership.

He asked the minister: “How can the Welsh Government make it easier for community groups to access funds they need to carry on ever-expanding their incredible anti-poverty work?

“These funds are not just needed for food purchases but also for increasing dry and cold storage capacity.

“As things stand, grant applications are not straightforward, especially for elderly volunteers and should be made more accessible for groups like TK’s and Community Group food share in Cwm.”

In response, the Minister said the government was doing “everything we can” to supply foodbanks and food share groups with food and equipment for storage.

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Richard Davies
Richard Davies
9 months ago

I long for the day when food banks are no longer needed, when wages are good enough to enable people to live a happy life and a welfare state that properly supports people that are unable to work for whatever reason. Unfortunately, with the blue tories and red tories, it will never be realised!

9 months ago
Reply to  Richard Davies

Funding for food banks is not a devolved issue. From what budget (health? Education?) would you want to see the money transferred to this matter which is not the responsibility of the Welsh Gov.

David Smith
David Smith
9 months ago

In my view cash first policies should be given priority.

Further, all suitable public land should be available to support the ‘Right to Grow Food’.

Valerie Matthews
Valerie Matthews
9 months ago

This Country seems to be descending weekly into a more and more uncaring cruel Society. Where has the ‘Humanity and togetherness’ gone?’ The Tories incessantly stir up hatred for the poor and disabled, WHAT is their Agenda? Or is it to distract from their mess ups and incompetence??

9 months ago

So Plaid want the Welsh Gov to take money away from other budgets (health? education?) to pay for something that is not even devolved?

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