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Plans revealed for a new tramway between Cardiff Central and Cardiff Bay

16 Sep 2024 4 minute read
Cardiff Crossrail phrase one. Image credit The Urbanists

Plans have been revealed for a brand-new tramway from Cardiff Central railway station to Cardiff Bay, connecting the two directly by rail for the first time.

The first phase of Cardiff Crossrail will be delivered by Cardiff Council and Transport for Wales (TfW), who say it will significantly improve the railway network and benefit the wider city and region.

Members of the public are being invited to share their views as part of a 6-week consultation which runs from today (16 September) to 27 October 2024.

The consultation is available here.

The scheme will deliver a new two-platform station located in the southern car park of Cardiff Central railway station, with easy interchange at the station.

Cardiff Crossrail phrase one. Image credit The Urbanists


The proposed new tramway will run from the current southern car park at Cardiff Central station, crossing through Callaghan Square to join the existing Cardiff Bay line and onto Cardiff Bay.

A third platform will be built at Cardiff Bay railway station as part of the scheme, which is in addition to the second platform already being built as part of the ongoing transformation of the Cardiff Bay line, through the South Wales Metro.

Cardiff Council and TfW are looking for feedback on the proposed designs of the new tramway proposals. Views and ideas are also welcome on improvements to public spaces on the route to connect neighbouring communities, places and attractions.

Cllr De’Ath, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Strategic Planning & Transport at Cardiff Council said: “The Cardiff Crossrail project has been a long-held ambition for a long time and when fully complete will connect some of the most deprived communities in Cardiff to the railway network for the first time.

“Subject to funding, the Cardiff Crossrail will eventually run from the northwest of the city, all the way to the east of the city connecting with the proposed Parkway railway station.

“To start this process, the first phase of the scheme must be built between Cardiff Central and Cardiff Bay.

“This will finally ensure that Butetown is properly connected to the city centre, through the new tramway, providing further capacity for residents and visitors to access the wide range of attractions that Cardiff has to offer.

“We want the public to engage in the consultation process, so they can give their feedback on the very first phase of this exciting project.”

Cardiff Crossrail phrase one. Image credit The Urbanists


Dan Tipper, TfW’s Chief Infrastructure Officer, said: “Today, in partnership with Cardiff Council, we’ve shared exciting plans for the delivery of a brand-new tramway between Cardiff Central station and Cardiff Bay station.

“These plans align with work already underway to build a new track on the Cardiff Bay line, which will allow faster and more frequent services using brand-new tram-trains.

“Our ambition is that the new tramway will contribute towards a more sustainable transport network for Cardiff, encouraging more people to leave their cars at home and instead choose more sustainable ways to travel.

“We want to hear as many thoughts, opinions and questions on the proposals as possible, which will help to inform key decisions on the scheme. Contributions from our communities will help to shape this project so we can deliver a public tramway that people are proud of.”

A series of drop-in events will give members of the public opportunities to talk to the teams involved and learn more and ask questions about the proposals.

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
1 day ago

Is there somewhere to put the bike and the running shoes and walking poles ?

Ap Kenneth
Ap Kenneth
23 hours ago

Currently thousands of homes are being built in the north west of the city and those people whether in cars or on buses will have no alternative but to access the city via the narrow choke point in Llandaff. The tramway should have come first and should go as far as Creigiau and Llantrisant and the developers and the Plymouth estate (who made millions selling the land) should have paid for the new infrastructure.

Lyn Thomas
Lyn Thomas
21 hours ago
Reply to  Ap Kenneth

I would agree. The track bed is already there running through the new plas dwr estate and part of the planning gain should have been to build and pay for the tram system. Most European countries build the transport infrastructure first and the housing second. We should do the same

21 hours ago

Have they heard the phrase “learn to walk before you can run”. The rail link to the bay is under construction. Still not finished electrified lines, so old trains in use. Stabilise and finish current projects first. Central to the bay is a short walk, while getting people into the city isn’t.

J Jones
J Jones
18 hours ago
Reply to  Karl

Correct. They have built a new station between Butetown and Atlantic Wharf, 5 minutes walk from Central Station. If you cannot walk the 5 minutes you can of course take the train to Central Station, that currently takes a minimum 15 minutes plus any delay at your connection in Queen Street Station.

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
20 hours ago

All I wish is the current trains actually turn up, since the new timetable came, trains in the Vale are more likely to be cancelled than run.

16 hours ago

Perfectly good rail connection from Queen St to the Bay.
Start the tramway where it benefits most first, not the Senedd elites..

32 minutes ago
Reply to  Howie

Most of these so called decision makers can’t see further than the suburbs of Cardiff. Transport for Wales will be renamed TfCardiff ! Will they ever realise that other large parts of Wales need joining up too ?

15 hours ago

We have potholes the size of craters, the Welsh NHS falling apart with a dire need to invest in more ambulances and paramedics, we have sewage being pumped into our rivers and seas, council services being cut right left and centre and the Welsh government want a new bloody expensive train set for Cardiff to play with!!! Give me strength!!

Last edited 15 hours ago by Frank
Peter Cuthbert
Peter Cuthbert
13 hours ago
Reply to  Frank

It is nice to know that alternatives to car transport are being considered and there probably is a case to be made for the investment there. The trouble is that for those of us who live in the “Rest of Cymru” there never seems to be money for serious investment in our part of the country. Beware of the Cardiff Bubble!

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
59 minutes ago

How on earth is this small section of tram way costing £100,000.00 ?
Its less than 300 yards long.
No wonder TfW has gone so far over budget with the South Wales Metro.

29 minutes ago
Reply to  Welsh Patriot

Couldn’t budget to save their bloody lives. That’s why most public services invariably run over on costs, and their contractors have a field day overcharging the dumb souls who do the public procurement.

Linda Jones
Linda Jones
9 minutes ago

What a waste. The Bay is within spitting distance of Cardiff central while people living in other parts of Cardiff struggle to get to and from work right now because of the lack of a decent bus service.

Its about time Cardiff council sorted transport for the people of Cardiff not just tourists getting to their new entertainments arena. We need a decent bus service going from east to west and north to south now

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