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Public asked to help shape the future of Wales’ culture sector

08 Aug 2024 2 minute read
The National Library of Wales

With the National Eisteddfod well underway, the Welsh Government is encouraging people to provide their views on its vision for the culture sector, with just under a month to go until the consultation closes.

The draft Priorities for Culture focus on three main priorities: Bringing people together through culture; -promoting Wales as a nation of culture and ensuring the culture sector is resilient and sustainable

These three priorities are supported by twenty draft ambitions which include culture being accessible to everyone in Wales, building relationships at home and abroad through culture and helping the sector to prosper now and in the future.

The draft priorities apply to the entire culture sector in Wales, from national organisations to grassroots projects.

The consultation is also relevant to all public sector organisations who are required to deliver the Well-being of Future Generations Act’s goal of ‘A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language.’


The National Eisteddfod in Pontypridd is an ideal opportunity for visitors to the Welsh Government’s stand to find out more about the consultation from staff and provide their response.

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt said: “The National Eisteddfod is a great place to see Welsh culture in action and, as a government, we are ambitious in our vision for the sector now and in the future.

“Culture plays an incredibly important role in people’s lives, bringing them together with others and supporting social justice.

“The draft priorities set the direction for culture in Wales by drawing on the talent and creativity we have within the sector to ensure it is successful and resilient.

“It’s vital we have the opinions of as many people as possible as part of the consultation – we want to ensure the Priorities work for everyone.”

The Priorities for Culture: 2024-2030 consultation is open and will close on Wednesday 4 September.

To view the consultation and provide your views visit:

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
1 month ago

Are we so rudderless and the crew so clueless and vacant after 25 years…

This is an election alarm going off…

Or a blame game…

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
1 month ago
Reply to  Mab Meirion

Rhun nailed this on Tuesday…

There was a petition a while back re, NLW…

Nearly two years of time, money and hope wasting…

How dare they swing so low as to bring us this dog’s dinner…

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