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Drakeford’s Wales ‘a testing ground for ridiculous ideas’ that ‘England subsidises’ claims Telegraph

11 Aug 2022 4 minute read
Mark Drakeford picture by Ben Birchall / PA Wire.

Wales under Mark Drakeford has become a “testing ground for all the most ridiculous ideas in politics” that England is expected to subsidise, the Telegraph has claimed.

In the latest broadside on the Welsh Government by one of the newspaper’s columnists, journalist Kara Kennedy says that out of Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, “Drakeford has a strong claim to being the worst devolved leader of the lot”.

The newspaper has recently taken aim at the Welsh Government in a series of opinion pieces, calling the First Minister “economically illiterate” and a “hero for the work-shy”, and saying that the new 20mph limit is due to “small-country syndrome” compensating for “feelings of insignificance”, and that plans for a four-day working week were “soviet”.

“Wales has become a testing ground for all the most ridiculous ideas in politics, and I fear Mr Drakeford is turning Wales into a laughing stock,” Kara Kennedy says.

Pointing to the 20mph speed limit in built-up areas and a new website to give advice about menstruation, she said that “under Mr Drakeford, there has been a tendency to take everything to extremes”.

“The Welsh Covid lockdowns lasted longer than almost everywhere else in the UK, and the devolved government seemed to glory in introducing the most ridiculous of restrictions,” she said.

“And as if people haven’t spent enough time at home being paid to do nothing, now Mr Drakeford wants to trial a universal basic income – long a dream of those who put economic equality ahead of wealth creation.

“Perhaps this is unsurprising given that the First Minister was a lecturer in social studies before entering politics. But if the trial is extended, all it will do is universalise welfare dependency and sap what is left of Wales’s enterprise economy.”

Kara Kennedy finished: “Mr Drakeford expects England to subsidise his projects. This is bad enough, but too many on the Left seem to regard his experiments as a model for the whole of the UK to follow. That way lies madness.”

‘Rue the day’

The article is the second by columnists in the Telegraph criticising the Welsh Government in two days, after Iain Dale, a British broadcaster, author and political commentator, took aim yesterday.

He warned that the Welsh Government will “rue the day” they introduced “mad” 20mph speed limits, wrongly claiming that they are “abolishing” the 30mph speed limit.

Wales became the first UK nation to make a move towards a default 20mph speed limit in urban areas last month, in a move that the Welsh Government said would help to save lives, develop safer communities, improve the quality of life and encourage more people to ride a bike or use public transport.

The new legislation will not apply a blanket speed limit on all roads, it will simply make the default limit 20mph, leaving local authorities to engage with the local community to decide which roads should remain at 30mph.

However, Iain Dale wrongly claimed that the Welsh Government were “abolishing 30mph limits and replacing them with 20mph zones”.

“It’s fine to put lower speed limits outside schools or old people’s homes, or even on busy shopping streets where people cross the road more often, but to impose them on a dual carriageway or main A-road is the transport equivalent of political correctness gone mad,” he said.

“I know transport planners have a job to do, but to constantly kow-tow to the anti-car brigade, as many local authorities have been doing without even consulting the public, is not just infuriating, it is counter-productive.”

He added that “national politicians in Wales will rue the day they introduced this mad policy”.

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2 years ago

Just like Westminster is the testing ground for Eton educated idiots the vast majority of which fail. We’ll need to go a long way to catch up with Boris Johnson’s laughing stock of a government

2 years ago

Attack after attack in the Torygraph against Wales and all things Welsh.
Time was when they reserved their ire exclusively for the Scots.
Now that the Scots are on the verge of escaping they have switched targets to Wales.
They clearly want to get shot of us all so why not just let us go?
It’s evidently what they want.
Just let us go.
And by the way we’ll keep our water …
I mean you don’t need that at the moment do you?

Owain Morgan
Owain Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  Bryn

No, they don’t need our water. Nor do they need our cheap natural renewable energy resources 😏 But if they decide they do, they could always negotiate a fair price for them. I’m sure it won’t cost them more than they currently provide us in public funding 😏🤗

2 years ago

This dystopian nightmare we are about to enter has been gestating since Thatcher’s day. The futures of the people of these islands and the environment we depend upon were sold for a quick buck by these same tory’s the Telegraph supports. Ossified, selfish, greed obsessed, imbecilic sociopaths.the lot of them.

Cathy Jones
Cathy Jones
2 years ago

Go on The Tellygraff, keep stoking up my anger and keep moving less emotional people than myself towards at least questioning why the actual flipping f*** we, as a nation, are putting up with A) being spoken about like this in a national newspaper that has helped push this “the UK” into the trash fire it now is and B) why Cymru should even actually be part of something where The Establishment and one of its major mouthpieces CONTINUALLY attacks and denigrates our contribution to this “union” (strange how when a “union” benefits them its a good thing, but when… Read more »

Kerry Davies
Kerry Davies
2 years ago

This female went to uni in Cardiff and I can only assume she had a traumatic experience. Have pity on her, living in the far-right dystopia she carries around between her ears.

Nia James
Nia James
2 years ago

When I worked and lived in London I heard the “England is subsidising Wales” comments on a regular basis. I always used to counter by saying “you are right, Welsh people don’t have to pay any tax or VAT”. Remarkable how many of them actually believed that. Also I’d say “let us have independence and then you will not have to rely on our water and energy”. A few would come back with “well there’s no need for that attitude”. Those inside the M25 know very little about Wales (or Scotland) and absolutely zilch about Northern Ireland. They care even… Read more »

Dail y Goeden
Dail y Goeden
2 years ago

Thank you, Nation.Cymru, quite seriously, for the service of informing us what these dear people – educated, literate, “respectable” – and certainly “establishment” – are writing and thinking. We ignore them at our peril – unfortunately.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Dail y Goeden

I agree. We rely on Nation Cymru to police this stuff and they have my admiration for sifting through what would make me physically sick daily not least because I’d have paid the scumbags (Torygraph) for the dubious privilege of reading it.

Dai Rob
Dai Rob
2 years ago

“The principality’s devolved government can be counted on to get things wrong”


Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Dai Rob

What the hell? We’re not Monaco.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Dai Rob

Wales is not a Principality and Northern Ireland is not a province. Ulster is a province which contains some counties which are in the republic.

2 years ago

A sure way to help us gain independence, is to tell the readership of these rags that they are subsidising us. They already have a large proportion of the readership wanting to dissolve the union , given the choice of the union, or Brexit, they pick Brexit, these articles can only help us toward our goals.

2 years ago

Another article to deflect attention from the crumbling public services, high inflation, worst economic growth rate in the G7, cost of living crises, Brexit shambles, explosion of food banks, strikes, water shortages all under the watch of the Telegraph backed corrupt, incompetent buffoon and convicted serial liar of our PM.

2 years ago

Thank you Wales/Cymru for leading the way in all things politically sane and humane.Long may I benefit from your water,electricity,roads,holidays,adventures, entertainment and song.You do not TAKE freebies from England – it is us East of Offa’s Dyke who take from you without thanks. Keep up the good work Mark Drakeford!

DAI Ponty
DAI Ponty
2 years ago

I believe in Welsh Independence but i also believe that by the time the next election comes around the massive damage the tories will have caused to the DISUNITED KINGDOM and more than the rest the damage done to us will turn the majority of Welsh people to leave the U K but it will not be Plaid that will lead the way it will be Welsh Labour the True Welsh political Patriots in Welsh labour will force it Plaid supporters of which i have many friends in and some on here laugh when i say this

2 years ago
Reply to  DAI Ponty

As much as I would love to see this happen I am sceptical, as Labour here, continue to elect unionists to the leadership role. All have, and still are flogging the” federal UK ” dead horse. There is not a single chance this will happen, as Westminster would have to agree to it, and no way are the English party’s going to vote to allow the devolved Govs to take over swhat they see as their right to rule.

2 years ago

Yes indeed, Wales has been used as a test bed for somewhat zany policies. Mostly these projects are foisted upon us by the Anglo senior civil servants who are sent to Cardiff ( modern version of colonial posting) to lead the Bay’s elected politicians into all sorts of trial and error programmes. Of course the matter is worsened by the absence of sufficient numbers of radical critical thinkers at the Senedd who have the capacity to reject the manipulations of these placemen. So Torygraph, it is your idols in London that have driven most of this nonsense which you now… Read more »

The original mark
The original mark
2 years ago

I take great pleasure knowing that people like me, live rent free in these idiots heads, it’s odd how they get wound up with a 20mph speed limit in a country they’re very unlikely to visit yet the average traffic speed in London is 7.8mph muppets need to wind their necks in

Stephen John Owen
Stephen John Owen
2 years ago

If this is the case then the Telegraph should support independence for Wales, let’s see how well England will do when they have to pay for Welsh water

2 years ago

Drakeford is close to standing down.

Owain Morgan
Owain Morgan
2 years ago

Anyone would think the Torygraph was worried that Labour might just win the next UK General election 😉😏😂😂🤣🤣

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

Yet another bile bomb from the Torygraph. Who is paying to clean up the filth they shower down on us? They can’t have it both ways. An independent Wales will pay for itself but if you insist on keeping Wales in a busted union, it’s collective payment so stop moaning. What about all the money we are defrauded of such as the Crown estates millions? That is OUR money so England is subsidising nothing.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

What we find with the imperialist toilet trash Telegraph is that they used Cymrophobic tropes in their attacks with impunity. No other nation in the UK receives such bile as we do. And as said many times. Hatred towards Britain’s native people is the last acceptable prejudice. Yes, you can criticise the party in power in Wales. Disagree ,rightly or wrongly, with their policy. But I find the far-right Conservative Telegraph use xenophobic rants in their articles towards Wales & Welsh which is effectively hate speech. And if similar rhetoric was made towards another minority, say Jewish people, would be… Read more »

2 years ago

This is just the usual bigotry and bile we’ve come to expect from the Torygraph. They are merely trying to indulge both of their readers,, along with their masters in Westminster!!

Last edited 2 years ago by R W
2 years ago

Turn off the water and electricity going over the border let’s see who’s subsidising who

Last edited 2 years ago by Marc
Nobby Tart
Nobby Tart
2 years ago

I await RT Davies and his Conservative MS’s to endorse this article.

2 years ago

Please don’t give that rag more attention.

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