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Wales fan raises over £1000 for crying German girl mocked online ‘to show her not everyone is horrible’

01 Jul 2021 2 minute read
The little German girl caught crying on camera

A Wales football supporter has raised hundreds of pounds for a little German fan cruelly mocked online after England’s victory over Germany at Wembley.

The little girl was the subject of shameful abuse after she was pictured crying on television and on the big screen at the stadium.

Since launching his crowdfunder on Just Giving less than 24 hours ago, Joel Hughes has so far raised £1052, after initially setting a £500 target.

Now, the 51-year-old, who runs his own web development company in Pontypridd, is trying to find the girl’s family so he can hand over the money “to show this little German supporter that not everyone in the UK is horrible.”


“I saw a tweet from (former footballer turned media pundit) Stan Collymore highlighting the abuse the little girl was getting,” he says. “I can’t stand seeing that kind of bullying online.

“I think this kind of xenophobia is worse since Brexit. And almost encouraged by the UK Government.

“So I thought I would try to do something. A small thing. Not something that would change the world, or change the minds of those who wrote nasty stuff about the little girl. But something none the less.

“And if it means we can put a smile on that girl’s face, then job done.”

Joel Hughes

Joel says he was amazed at how quickly donations came flooding in.

“I was surprised to hit the target quickly, but it goes to show how much goodwill is out there,” he said. “And part of this is demonstrating that there is goodwill out there – as negativity seems to dominate the airwaves.”

Now comes the tricky bit – tracking down the little German fan and her family.

“At the moment I’m just tweeting as much as I can,” says Joel. “Hopefully with a big push online we will be able to try and find her.”

If you would like to donate to the fund click the link HERE

If you know how to contact the German girl’s family drop Joel a line via Twitter


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3 years ago

Who thought it was a good idea to cut to that shot on TV? With the internet being so cruel nowadays, they must have known what would happen next.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Though it must be said, this gesture may be well intended not 100% sure if the family would want to be contacted. The abuse has already been pretty horrible so you could imagine that they wouldn’t be wild about being tracked down.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Maybe someone wanted to highlight the the type who follow England.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff33

Let’s not be holier than thou about this though. Every country has their scumbags. But England do seem to have a lot of them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

This is true – every country has their scumbags but England DO have a lot of them! I’m German, living in England, and two English people have said to me: “I think we ARE the worst.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Kajta

Whoops, spelled my own name incorrectly.. XD

Ben Steele
Ben Steele
3 years ago
Reply to  Kajta

No the UK just has more people that hate their own country than other countries do. They hate their country as they are pretty ignorant about the rest of the world and it makes them feel good about themselves. Number of immigrant hostels fire bombed in UK last year, zero, number in Germany hundreds.

Gerald Spawton
Gerald Spawton
3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

It’s yet another way the media can sensationalise the sense of superiority that the so called “Great” Britain has over other countries

3 years ago

Revolting behaviour by the worst of humanity. Hopefully it won’t “sicken” Charles Evans if I suggest that these (mostly) English trolls should be ashamed of themselves for picking on a small girl upset that her team lost. But just in case: All nations contain nasty subhuman trolls and this is not intended to include all the positively wonderful people of England 🙄. I would be just as cutting if they were the People’s Utopia of Cymru

j humphrys
j humphrys
3 years ago

Well said,Stan. Well done, Joel !

Dr G Merwin
Dr G Merwin
3 years ago

which I find typically Cymraeg as a decent action and saying no to BS used as an excuse to bully. Bravo!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr G Merwin

Eh? This is sounding a bit 1930s German politics. Are you a meta-troll, trying to prove some correlation with Wales wanting to leave the UKBIN to the “Master Race” rhetoric of the nazi party? I kinda hope you are. Because if you are not, that means you believe what you are writing and that concerns me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

He’s already been exposed as a BritNat troll, apparently, using a variety of names.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr G Merwin

Dr Merwin – Doctorate of what? Thick twats? LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr G Merwin

String a sentence together. Thick as f**k

R. Ayling
R. Ayling
3 years ago
Reply to  Dr G Merwin

I think that’s a bit harsh on all English people. If you record the commentary at the time the commentator did say oh dear we dont want see that upset or words to such effect. Sadly there are awful partizan attitudes held by many countries football following. I feel it is more an issue with football followers and all the hype around the sport. Just take a look at the revolting partizan rivalry between Cardiff and Swansea… instead of towns playing each other imagine they were countries.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr G Merwin

Wtf kinda drugs are you on honestly 😂

3 years ago

A nice gesture. I was ashamed when I read the filth aimed at this little girl by so called England fans. I get flak when I tell people I have zero interest in the English team and haven’t for many years. The incident with the young girl justifies why. One day that little girl will witness Germany win the world cup again. Those cowards will still be singing a dated dirge about 80 years of hurt.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eisern

Well said.

Keith Craig
Keith Craig
3 years ago

Terrible thing to happen to the lass, I hope they find her! I have to say that old Stan there seems to forget he was well known for giving out the physical abuse to his lady friends

3 years ago

Spoke to a lot of my friends in Germany. They say, the family will be in the UK because the DFB gave all match tickets to UK based fans

Diane Doig
Diane Doig
3 years ago
Reply to  John

I was going to say that it would be someone UK based as no-one travelled from Germany. I’m Scottish and you Welsh guys have restored my faith in humanity just a little. We go to Scotland games and I too have a daughter who has cried (quite often!) when Scotland go out so I felt for this wee girl and couldn’t believe what I saw on Twitter. I hope she’s tracked down. Well played Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

3 years ago

I can’t believe that fella is 51

Alan Reilly
Alan Reilly
3 years ago

Mocking a child online. Jeez they’re big and tough, aren’t they? Funny thing is, they hear a Russian accent and they 5hit themselves and run.

Kerry Davies
Kerry Davies
3 years ago

Actually I think the anti-English here are the England fans.

3 years ago

If the complaint is both that the camera shouldn’t have focused on an upset child and that the reaction to it by a relatively small number of England fans then I’m not sure sharing the picture further, even with good intentions, is the right way to go.

I’d also prefer to see a portion of the money raised go to the family only – that’s if they want to be found – and then the majority of it go to a children’s charity.

I do recognise the good intentions behind the campaign.

3 years ago
Reply to  George

It has become a relatively large sum now. Joel has said the whole lot will go to a charity if he can’t find the family.

The charity should perhaps be chosen by the German team. That might make the girl smile sgain.

Last edited 3 years ago by defaid
Peter Feltham
3 years ago

Why do we bother to call it sport if those who attend England games are uneducated,nasty,ignorant morons.

Ben Steele
Ben Steele
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Feltham

There is no place for casual racism like yours.

3 years ago

Didn”t take long for someone to claim to be the victim, did it.

Derek Davies
Derek Davies
3 years ago

From Wales with love… To the little girl who went to watch A football match with her family Who cruelly was the subject of online Abusive savagery This nation of Wales love you… For the little girl who went on an Adventure to Wembley With passion watched her beloved Germany play This nation of Wales love you.. People of the world unite love each other not fight Time to make this little girls future bright Because this nation of Wales love you So with that same love we now want to show, How we all can be just friends not… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Derek Davies

The nation of Scotland loves her too.

3 years ago
Reply to  Derek Davies

The Welsh football supporters hate on the English for no reason. Well I’ll let the results do the talking…through now to face the team that beat them 4-0

Ronald Mair
Ronald Mair
3 years ago

Maybe an autographed shirt from the England and Germany players could be bought out of it. Well done Wales, you set a fine example.

Barrie Grieve
Barrie Grieve
3 years ago

If you want to find her, try contacting a few German newspapers and get the story on the front page or possibly contact the German football players and see if they can get the word out. I really hope they can find her and give the wee one a smile..

Vanessa Bailey
Vanessa Bailey
3 years ago

It’s a lovely gesture. He didn’t know how much it would raise. He’s already talked about donating it to a charity. Stop knocking someone for doing something decent. We need more people like this.

Ben Steele
Ben Steele
3 years ago

This little girl had absolutely zero idea she’d been abused online. Now thanks to this guy she will know so what was the point really? It was done more to shame England fans than anything I’d guess, and to shame the UK in general as the guy clearly has an anti-Brexit agenda and left wing agenda. Still sore maybe that his fellow Welsh voted for Brexit maybe. But well done to everyone in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland who raised this money for her.

Jan Märkisch
Jan Märkisch
3 years ago

Bildungsnotstand gibt’s in Deutschland auch. Leider.

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